December 1, 2007

Having a cold beer, with a boa constrictor

CAMP CONNELL, Calif., USA - A group of politically active students from Humboldt State University traveled to Sacramento Friday, meeting with state dignitaries to lobby on behalf of their college - and to get some reform in the entire university system.

A system several of them labelled as corrupt.

No argument here.

I wouldn't count myself as a dignitary, but because I presided over the Faculty Senate vote last year, in which the vast majority of faculty said they had no confidence in our campus president, they asked me to join them for a discussion of tactics.

They had met earlier in the day with the Lieutenant Governor and various state officials but were still full of questions when we all met at the Fox & Goose tavern.

Yup, same tavern we went to earlier in the week to listen to Irish music.

My blood pressure did go up a few points in reliving last year's election and contentious time, but it was interesting to see how earnest this group was - and how puzzled they are that the designated adults are making such a hash of their university.

I sat next to Jessica - one of the leaders - and it wasn't until we were getting ready to head off to Camp Connell to visit Sanders and Pat Lamont that Admiral Fox noticed the head of a snake sticking out of the shirt of my neighbor.

A snake?

A snake!

It turns out that the critter is Jessica's pet, a boa constrictor that goes everywhere with her.

The one scene I wish I had filmed was the look on the bartender's face when Jessica walked up and ordered a drink.

Here's Jessica, her slithery amigo, and a clip of our visit to Camp Connell.

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