November 10, 2007

Procrastination Version 11.10.2007

SACRAMENTO, Calif., USA - I will blame it on the rain, though there is plenty to do here inside the house.

But after attending an all-day conference yesterday - on how to better teach our undergrads to learn about new media and technology - well, I am sort of worn out.

Too much input.

So, instead of working on my writing today, grading, packing, or, or, or... I did managed to slap together a quick compendium from last weekend, starting with leaving to take the trailer into the shop for wheel bearings and brakes and ending with, well, you'll have to look at the video for that scene.


My only regret is that I didn't take any video of Scott Noble and I taste-testing some margaritas last week. They were dy-no-mite.

1 comment:

slamont said...

Omigosh Michael, could you repeat that act getting out of the chair for me? I want to make sure I saw that.
