March 22, 2008

End of an era in La Manzanilla - Jane Gorby retires

LA MANZANILLA, Jalisco, Mexico - It was Jane Gorby's final day at work today at Santana Realty where she has earned an international reputation as The Rentalor - more feared than The Terminator - if you wanted a nice spot on the beach here in high season.

And who doesn't?

We stopped by the Santana office right at 6 p.m. on the main drag of town to capture Jane's last employed moments before she walked down the street for an impromptu retirement soiree at Coco Loco's.

Something slightly more formal has been rumored for Wednesday night at Palapa Joe's (which was closed tonight, we were soooo sad). If that happens, I will pull out my ukulele for a quick number I wrote called, "Jane Gorby Has Finally Retired..." I wrote a couple of other songs, too, that might find their way onto the playlist, all depending on how many Cuba Libres I have before we get to that part of the program.


Jane was definitely Jane after her last day at work - two quick margaritas, a couple of smokes and two pieces of excellent pizza all made for a great party with a few amigos.

Her immediate plans for retirement: To do nothing. Nada, zip, zilch...

Sounds like a great plan... Wish I had thought of it...

1 comment:

slamont said...

A sad day for those needing the best rentalor in LaManz.... I guess Jane is moving on to the night club circuit, where the seven banned words need no translation...
Jane, you rock!