The trailer performed perfectly under flight conditions and was relatively easy to get level once we parked.
This little RV park - maybe not that little - is a gem, tucked right next to the state fairgrounds and a few blocks from movie theaters, and a Chili's restaurant (where we will likely dine tonight). We are definitely one of the smallest units here, with most of the RVers those 40+ foot jobs with four slide outs and generators big enough to light up Cleveland.
Immediately behind our parking space is the American River, with trees all turning fall colors.
American River, right behind the RV park
Given that we will be underway for Mexico before Christmas, it seemed like a test run was in order for the Grey Goose. So far, the only thing not working up to specs is the propane side of the refrigerator (which runs when there is no electricity.). Oh, and the light in the fridge seems to be stuck on, adding heat in there.
RVing is a lot like operating a big cruising sailboat - there are all kinds of little tricks and twists that the more experienced can show you.
While I labored mightily to level the trailer with the jacks that are affixed under the trailer, a Good Samaritan came by with some blocks to stick under the wheels. The jacks, it seems, are good for minor leveling - not four or five inches!
By the way, has anyone ever heard of a Bad Samaritan? Think about it.
After hosting a dinner party for six last night in the trailer, we opted to take a second day and night here at Cal-Expo, enjoying the sunshine (temperatures close to 80 degrees) and a decided lack of wind. Winds of up to 40 mph had been forecast for Friday and Saturday.
I'm very glad they were wrong.
Admiral catches some rays
Grey Goose Express II from the front - with slider out
Nice Trailer. Sounds like a fun trip!
Most likely the thermocouple is the culprit on the fridge. Happy Trails!
The Admiral at rest! We love it...
Safe journeys...
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