The water in the lake warmed up very quickly. Memorial Day weekend, I went swimming off our new dock twice. Twice! That's the earliest I have ever been in Seneca Lake. And, to be honest, it was warmer than it is has been in July some years.
The thermometer this morning said the water temperature was 66 degrees. Pretty brisk, but only two degrees colder than the water at Catalina Island in California where we used to snorkel.
May 30, swimming in Seneca Lake
The days have been filled with little - and not so little - projects: leveling two compost piles that were probably started 50 years ago, rebuilding the base for the hot tub, making the path to the lake safer (good luck with that) and, of course, fixing up the waterfront where our new dock has already been pressed into service for boating and fishing.
There's some loose talk about declaring the new dock and waterfront the Valois Point Yacht Club. That way we will have reciprocal privileges at other area yacht clubs when we take our inter-lake cruise later this summer from here, through the Erie Canal, to Cayuga Lake and perhaps lakes beyond.
We would then be members of two yachts clubs: the yet-to-be-started, Valois Point Yacht Club and the Tenacatita Bay Yacht Club, which is headquartered in Arroyo Seco, Jalisco, Mexico at the Pink Flamingo Bar, Grill and Language Academy.
The new dock - part of the Valois Point Yacht Club?
We have a very good trailer for the Spirit of Louise and could simply drag the ship about on the fine highways of the State of New York from lake to lake, but what fun is that?
Hmm... perhaps more fun than if we ran into the cold, 25-knot winds that have Seneca Lake kicked up into a wild froth as I write this. The temperature went from 80 degrees Fahrenheit to 55 degrees in about 10 minutes two hours ago. And the wind, well, let's just say I am very glad the Red Rocket sailboat is safely tied to shore and I am not out and about - even if that water is 66 degrees.
The change in weather, means its time to get back other pursuits: writing, playing the ukelele and plotting out which local tavern to hit this afternoon to hear music and, of course, maintain the proper levels of hydration.
Several weeks ago, we went to Two Goats Brewery, just a few miles down the road, and heard Celtic music. The Admiral was sad that she didn't bring her violin to join in. Perhaps she will drag it with her today. We have also been out shopping for a building to move onto the property for use as a music room for the Admiral. That way, she says, she can practice her violin without worrying about bothering anyone when she hits a high note that isn't quite where it should be.
It's no bother to me. I love the sound of the Admiral's violin, but we perhaps we might make a deal for two buildings: a music room for Adm Fox and a workshop for me. It's all music to my ears. (Sorry, that pun was too good to pass up...)
Here's a short video sample of the Two Goats Brewery music and a few photos from the last two weeks.
OH! And posted on this page (to the left at the top) is a five-minute video clip of a longer movie done by Captain Clarence Harvey of the sailing vessel Lotus. It's a snippet of the Banderas Bay Regatta from March in which Adm. Fox, CEO Laura Warner, surfer dude Julien and I all crewed for Captain Clarence. The Admiral and I haven't seen the full movie yet, but have the popcorn ready to go when it arrives this coming week, now that Captain Clarence has cut and spliced the film.
Watch out Mr. Spielberg, Capt. Clarence is on your tail.
A music room for the Admiral?
New rowboat on its way home
Seagulls on sentry duty on a neighbor's dock
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