August 18, 2007

No Toronto trip, no chanteuse, but hello Zithromax

WATKINS GLEN, N.Y., USA - The two planned major social events of this summer were a trip to Long Island and New Jersey to visit with all my relatives there.

The second was to travel to Toronto for a concert featuring Leigh Graham, a Canadian singer who has a marvelous voice. I have every song she has recorded (well, at least the ones available thru ITunes) and I love her rendition of "Hernando's Hideway," and "Perfida." They always seem to show up on my Ipod list of top 20 songs played.
  • Leigh's website

  • As far the trip to downstate, Mission Accomplished. (Sorry about that image!)

    But yesterday I emailed Miss Graham to let her know that her No. 1 California fan would not be showing up at the outdoor concert after all. The Admiral and had planned a rendezvous with she and her husband and child Jasper before or after the concert. I've already invited she and her family to come to Valois next summer for what I am billing as my "5x12 party."

    I just cannot say 60 years old.

    Leigh Graham
    Leigh Graham

    Leigh Graham

    The decision proved to be a good one.

    Last night the temperature dropped here at the lake and I woke up with a bad case of chills and fever - an outgrowth of the damnable cold I have been fighting (unsuccessfully) all week. ZiCam spray, sinus rinses, Sudafed, Bayer Aspirin - they all helped with the symptoms, sort of, but after a day of working outside (I know, I know, I heard all about it here from the Admiral...) I would get coughing fits at about 7 p.m. and spent most nights in feverish dreams.

    Today (a Saturday) I drove to Watkins Glen to see my regular doc (yup, he works Saturday mornings) who said: A. You are sick & B. Take an antibiotic...

    Years of such problems have led me to ask for the nuclear option when it comes to antibiotics: either Cipro (which I took for an intestinal problem in Mexico) or Zithromax. I once had to take two full courses of Z-Max to break an infection loose. My Sacramento doctor was only a day from putting me in the hospital that time.

    I got the big Z prescribed and already the first two doses are kicking bacterial butt in my body. I hope.


    Besides the doctor being available on a Saturday (and my doctor no less), when the Admiral went and filled my prescription, the pharmacy only blinked for a second at the out-of-state medical card. They expedited getting it approved and by the time the Admiral had purchased my minestrone soup, ginger ale and various other health-giving products that I crave when I have a fever, it was ready.

    There are some advantages to this small town life.

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