August 21, 2007

Z-Max is kicking in, must be time for a hot tub party

VALOIS, New York, USA - Sometime around 4 p.m. the Zithromax began to kick in and suddenly I had the urge to go out and rake and dig and cut and...

But, like W.C. Fields, I took careful stock and calmed down.

Fields once said that anytime he had the urge to exercise, he simply parked himself on the sofa until it went away.

I didn't go quite that far, cleaning up the driveway, planting another round of grass seed and eventually burning a bunch of scrap wood in the front fire pit.

But even after that activity, later in the evening, I was even awake enough to enjoy the company of cousin Ruth, her daughter Kate and Kate's husband Steve who came over and bribed their way into the hot tub with a piece of blueberry pie.

They could have jumped in without the bribe, but I'm not going to let them know that!

Ruth, Kate & Steve soakin'
Ruth, Kate & Steve soaking in the hot tub in Valois

We also had a dinner visit from brother in law David and his son Nate who are up for a week or so before Nate goes back to school - about the start the 9th grade.

All of our sympathies are with him.

The weather forecast for Wednesday is somewhat iffy for boating, but after a week of taking drugs and being largely housebound - ok, housebound since Saturday - I'm ready for some lake adventures.

The coolers are ready and if the drugs continue to do their magic, I'm ready to go out and overdo tomorrow big time.

I mean, get outside for awhile.


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