Irma and our God-daughter's mother, Mimi, put on an incredible meal for us at a price of about 55 pesos per person. And the nine of us loaded up on chile rellenos and pozole.
For most of the folks - from Hector, New York and Boston - it was their first experience sitting street-side while having dinner.
Dinner at Irma's, a half-block from the church
The traffic was quite cooperative, however and though people sitting in the outside chairs flinched a few times when the trucks rolled by, it didn't diminish the meal a bit.
The three bottles of wine on the table might have helped with anxiety, too.
After the good chow Monday, two of our amigos from the East Coast of the U.S., (Karl and Mike), went out fishing early Tuesday morning, stocked with sunscreen, hats and a small quantity of beer to stave off dehydration.
Oh, and they took fishing gear too, in a panga with the three local Mexican fisherman who took them out.
When Karl and Mike came in four hours later, they swore that they had not caught a damn thing.
Not true it turned out. Not true at all.
Bucket of red snapper
Karl shows off his skipjack tuna
In our other travels before heading to the big city, Admiral Fox and I did make a foray out to Playa Chica in Arroyo Seco Sunday morning to check on the status of the surf - and surfers.
The waves were large and some of the surfers were having a great time, even with a relatively short break in the surf.
I was able to grab one photo of a fellow who appeared to be trying to surf sans a surfboard.
Amazing things happen here in Arroyo Seco.
Barefoot surfing?