Two dump trucks full of soil arrived last night and by mid-afternoon today, the two soon-to-be-sod areas were transformed into beautiful spots, ready the green grass of home. Or at least the green grass of Melaque, Mexico, where they grow the stuff.
The project was started just two days ago, with some quick sketching on the ground of where we wanted the sod to go and a lot of discussion with our neighbor Chon. Then Chon's workers arrived with shovels and rakes and other implements of destruction.
Tomorrow afternoon the actual sod will arrive and be put in place. At least that's what the sod dealer says.
Juliett on top of the topsoil
Rounding the curve
But while life has been ruled by sod and soil for a few days, we did have visitors one afternoon - Greg and Joni from El Tuito. They were in the area, picking up some plants at our local vivero and came by the take a tour of Arroyo Seco.
We did the beaches and town tour (with all four of us on the Honda quad) then had lunch in the palapa while the workers were on break - and while the dust was a little less. Greg brought along his collection of movies for us to borrow. Out of the many films he gave us, for some reason we opted last night to watch about 45 minutes of the classic Gone With The Wind.
I am not kidding. Who would make that up?
Now that I think about it, perhaps it was because April 1 is the anniversary of the day when the Admiral and I first met - 20 years ago.
Rhett and Scarlett
Greg also brought a new cable so Admiral Fox can easily connect her computer to her Earthquake speakers out in the palapa when she practices here violin, or just wants to have some music.
Joni, and our 7-year-old neighbor, Juliett gave the speakers a trial run. The speakers seemed to have passed the dance test for sure.
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