Little did we know that we would, in the parlance of sailors, swallow the anchor, and suddenly be building a casita.
I am happy to report that the hotel is as beautiful as it was, the pool was as clean and fresh, and the food and cocktails are, well, divine.
Grand Bay Hotel swim-up bar
We went to the hotel to visit with amigos of our amigo, Mario. Tom and Louise have a boat in the marina and just bought a house in Barra de Navidad. (We offered our condolences on how much work they now have ahead.) An amigo of theirs - Beverly - was there too, visiting from Puerto Vallarta where she has a casa.
The afternoon consisted of swimming, a Pacifico, more swimming, another Pacifico with a hamburger and fries for lunch, and a third Pacifico after lunch.
And a nap. An honest-to-God, wide-open-mouth nap.
But the trip there would not have been complete without sampling what was our favorite drink at the hotel in the past: a melange of liquors and ice called a 'ballena.' The drink was just as tasty as ever, though they no longer serve it in the giant globe glasses.
The Captain sips a frosty ballena at the Grand Bay
Today, urban renewal renewed in Arroyo Seco with the roof tiles going on over the bathrooms and showers and the final concrete and brickwork started.
And one last project also began: building a floor for a temporary cocina: a place for the new refrigerator, stove and tables. That work is being done by our amigos and neighbors as I write. In fact, I believe I should get back out there and take some beer orders. It's hot today.
View from the Grand Bay Hotel pool deck
1 comment:
Hello, Is your sloop Sabbatical a Hans Christian design? Saw her in San Francisco yesterday adjacent to Fort Mason Center. Kind regards, M. James
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